
Navigating Salesforce Implementation for Non-Profits: A Guide to Choosing the Right Partner and Managing Costs

Choosing a partner for Salesforce system implementation is a crucial decision for organizations. There are various official Salesforce Partners and freelancers available for assistance. Conducting a Google search with the keywords “Salesforce partners” and your local area will yield results. While pro bono assistance is rare, it’s a cost-effective option if it’s available.

The cost of implementation varies; small projects may cost around NIS 20,000, while larger ones can reach NIS 30-70,000 or even half a million NIS for extensive adaptations. Prices are determined by the working hours of the employees involved, ranging from project managers to architects. The average hourly rate for implementation/development/project management in Israel as of 2024 is approximately NIS 270-340.

Accurately estimating project duration is challenging before an initial characterization, as projects often evolve beyond their initial scope. Projects can start small and grow into extensive undertakings with automation, reports, dashboards, and integrations. For instance, a 180-hour project for managing donors, sales, and a small call center was cited.

Choosing a partner involves several steps:

  • Experience and NGOs Knowledge: Ensure the partner has experience in Salesforce implementation and a deep understanding of non-profit organizations or higher education institutions, considering their unique processes and regulatory requirements.
  • Recommendations and Examples: Request recommendations and inspect similar applications in comparable organizations.
  • Market Survey: Conduct a market survey, considering factors beyond price. The cheapest option may not be the most cost-effective. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each potential partner.
  • Design Package: For projects exceeding 150–200 hours, consider purchasing a characterization package (30–100 hours) to decide project content based on your budget.

If you already working with an existing partner, exhaust all possibilities before switching, as changing partners may lead to a learning curve and potential discovery of system issues. Consider the time and cost implications of a switch, as well as the potential need for system investigation and adjustments. 


Good luck in your Salesforce implementation journey!

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